Source code for nuketemplate.convert

import copy
import attr
import subprocess
import networkx as nx

from .graph import AbstractGraph
from .graph import NukeNode
from .exceptions import AbstractTemplateError

from nuketemplate import logger

[docs]@attr.s(repr=False) class AbstractTemplateConverter(object): """ Template to Graph Converter :param template: JSON Template :type template: list, dict :param start: Start characters, default: ``>>`` :type start: str :param end: End characters, default: ``<<`` :type end: str """ template = attr.ib() start = attr.ib(default='>>') end = attr.ib(default='<<') subgraphs = attr.ib(default=[]) result = attr.ib(default=None) def _convert_template_to_graph(self, template): """ Private conversion helper function, create an :class:`~nx.classes.graph.Graph` and start :func:`nuketemplate.convert.AbstractTemplateConverter._add_nodes()`. :param template: JSON Template :type template: list, dict """ graph = AbstractGraph(nx_graph=nx.DiGraph()) self._add_nodes(graph, template[self.start], template) self.subgraphs.append(graph) def _add_nodes(self, graph, node, template): """ Private conversion helper function, recursively add nodes and edges to ``graph``. :param graph: NetworkX graph :type graph: :class:`~nx.classes.graph.Graph` :param node: Start node :type node: str :param template: JSON template :type template: list, dict """ nuke_node = NukeNode(name=node, attr=template[node].get('attr', {}), type=template[node].get('type', {}), id=template[node].get('id', {})) graph.nx_graph.add_node(, node=nuke_node) if not graph.start: graph.start = for input_idx, input in enumerate(template[node]['inputs']): if input != self.end: graph.nx_graph.add_edge(, self._add_nodes(graph, input, template), input=input_idx) else: graph.end = graph.end_slot = input_idx return def _combine_graphs(self): """ Combine graphs if the template consists of multiple sub graphs. """ self.subgraphs.reverse() self.result = self.subgraphs.pop() while self.subgraphs: subgraph = self.subgraphs.pop() composed_graphs = nx.compose(self.result.nx_graph, subgraph.nx_graph) composed_graphs.add_edge(self.result.end, subgraph.start, input=subgraph.end_slot) self.result = AbstractGraph(nx_graph=composed_graphs, start=self.result.start, end=subgraph.end)
[docs] def convert(self): """ Convert the JSON template into an :class:`~nuketemplate.graph.AbstractGraph`, if the template consists of multiple sub graphs, convert and combine otherwise convert in one pass. """ if isinstance(self.template, list): for sub_template in self.template: self._convert_template_to_graph(sub_template) elif isinstance(self.template, dict): self._convert_template_to_graph(self.template) else: AbstractTemplateError('Template must be either list or dict') num_nodes_p_subgraph = [sg.number_of_nodes() for sg in self.subgraphs]'Number of sub graphs: {}'.format(len(self.subgraphs)))'Number of nodes per sub graph: {}'.format( num_nodes_p_subgraph))'Total number of nodes: {}'.format( sum(num_nodes_p_subgraph))) self._combine_graphs()
[docs] def to_dot(self, dot_filename=''): """ Save the converted graph to a dot file at location ``dot_filename`` :param dot_filename: Filename, default: ```` :type dot_filename: str """ if not self.result: raise AbstractTemplateError( 'Output to the .dot format only works with a converted ' 'template, please run convert() first.') graph = copy.deepcopy(self.result.nx_graph) for node in graph.nodes(): del graph.nodes()[node]['node'] nx.drawing.nx_pydot.write_dot(graph, dot_filename)
[docs] def to_png(self, png_filename='graph.png', dot_executable='/usr/local/bin/dot'): """ Save the converted graph to a png file at location ``png_filename`` :param png_filename: Filename, default: ``graph.png`` :type png_filename: str :param dot_executable: Path to the dot executable, default: ``/usr/local/bin/dot`` :type dot_executable: str """ dot_filename = png_filename.replace('.png', '.dot') self.to_dot(dot_filename=dot_filename) subprocess.check_call([ '{dot_executable} -Tpng {dot_filename} -o {png_filename}'.format( dot_executable=dot_executable, dot_filename=dot_filename, png_filename=png_filename)], shell=True)
def __repr__(self): return '<AbstractTemplateConverter: {0}>'.format(self.template)